Shockwave Therapy Treatments in Richmond Hill
Shockwave Therapy Treatment in Richmond Hill
Gemini Health Group is happy to announce that all our physiotherapists and chiropractor are now providing Shockwave Therapy treatments.
Our state of the art, German made Zimmer enPlus 2.0 Shockwave therapy machine is top of the line.
Shockwaves are mechanical pressure waves that work on the tissue. Shockwave therapy is widely used to treat musculoskeletal problems.
Originally indicated for the non-invasive disintegration of kidney stones, shockwave therapy has since also been used successfully in orthopaedics. Its efficacy has been described and confirmed in numerous international studies and reports.
RSWT (radial shockwave therapy) is used to treat (corroborated by sound clinical studies):
✅ Myofascial trigger points
✅ Calcific tendonitis of the shoulder / impingement
✅ Radial and ulnar epicondylitis (Tennis and Golfer’s Elbow)
✅ Plantar fasciitis / heel spores (Heel and foot pain)
✅ Low back pain / lumbago
✅ Trochanteric bursitis (Hip Pain)
✅ Achilles Pain
Shockwave therapy can significantly cut down the treatment time required for some of the most nagging orthopedic injuries.
Book your session with one of our expert physiotherapists or chiropractor and make sure to ask if shockwave is appropriate in your particular case.